I'm sorry poor old pathetic blog. I'm leaving you the way network television leaves anything of substance. If anyone stumbles onto this page and actually has the desire to keep reading, I'm at yearofgreatness.com now. Please come visit! XOXO- Lauren
Lauren Monahan. In the past year I have:
lived in NYC; attended a fancy foods convention (free gourmet cheese and chocolate galore); been an associate producer on a documentary; attended the opening of the first Chinese opera to perform at the Met; fallen in love; learned to use a mac and wi-fi; flown to Italy on the same flight as the large guy from Lost; Lost my keys more than once; written four chapters and an outline for a young adult novel; been rejected by the New Yorker's poetry editor; placed in the RCL karaoke competition on my 30, flirty, and thriving cruise; become an aunt; turned 30; overlooked Barcelona from both a cable car and Park Guell, completed yet another week-long AP training conference, attended a party with Placido Domingo, a couple of famous directors, and other fancy people; trained my first student teacher; dated men way out of my league; joined the character counts committee at work; fallen in love with 170 more amazing teenagers; discovered a love for Chuao's 73; re-discovered a love for Faulkner; got a new sweet beach cruiser with a wicker basket; been happy for at least a few hours on all 365 days.
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